Daughters of Lilith

Daughter of Lilith logo

Lilith's Revenge

Angered that the shadow god Yahweh would cast her out of the Garden, Lilith dedicated her immortal life to disrupting the ways of Man.

Soon after creating vampires through her offspring Upir, Lilith gathered female vampires and founded the Daughters of Lilith. These women would use their powers of seduction to corrupt Man.

Cytheria's Reign

Cytheria, a French warrior, caught the attention of an elder Daughter. She turned Cytheria into a vampire and indoctrinated her into the Daughters.

Seeing weakness within the cult, Cytheria assumed command, slaughtering all those who opposed her. She narrowed membership to ninety-nine and trained her sisters in both the martial and metaphysical arts, affording the Daughters powers beyond those found in other vampires.

Cytheria's Disappearance and the Modern Age

In modern times, Cytheria has disappeared. She has already done irreparable damage to the Dupré sisters, Adriana and Dominique.

Fatale now runs the Daughters, bringing them back to their fearsome status with the “Second Great Purge,” also known as the “Millennium Massacre.”

Organizations Within the "Shadowdance" Urban Fantasy Saga

Daughter of Lilith, Guardians of Faith, Knights of Vyntari, and Order of Haroth logos designed by Maja Kopunovic.

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