Discover the Origins of the Urban Fantasy Saga
Many millennia ago, the One Goddess permitted the seraphim angel Irgranad the power to create a world – the birth of our universe.
Irgranad created the Earth and its creatures. Chief among them was Man and Woman, embodied by Adam and Lilith. Lilith refused subservience to Adam and left him. At Adam’s request, Irgranad created Eve.
Adam and Eve lived peacefully in the Garden of Eden, worshipping Irgranad as their god.
Irgranad sought to keep Man worshipping solely it, hiding the existence of its master, the One Goddess in the Tree of Knowledge. He subsequently forbade Adam and Eve from eating the fruit of this tree.
Lilith's Revenge
Spiteful, Lilith assumed the form of a serpent and seduced Eve into eating from the Tree of Knowledge.
Upon eating the fruit, Eve and Adam learned of the One Goddess as Irgranad’s master. They swore allegiance to the One Goddess. Original sin – the belief in the One Goddess over Irgranad – was born.
In turn, the One Goddess proclaimed Man Her favored creature.
Irgranad’s Retribution, Lucifer's Rebellion
Refusing to answer to inferior creatures, the archangel Lucifer led like-minded angels against the One Goddess. The archangel Michael defeated Lucifer and his minions. The One Goddess cast them out of Heaven and into Hell. Lucifer became the ruler of Hell under the new moniker Satan.
Meanwhile, angered by Adam and Eve’s betrayal, Irgranad drove the first humans from Eden. It also acknowledged its rivalry with Satan and Lilith. Despite interference from both, Irgranad held strict rule over the earth, striking down all who opposed it.
That is until the One Goddess sent Her only Son to redeem Man.
The Son of the One True Goddess
Irgranad did all in its power to defeat the Son, even aligning with Satan to tempt the Son, Jesus. Yet, in the final conflict, the Son defeated Irgranad.
The fallen seraphim angel’s spirit was imprisoned inside the Vyntari jewel. Angels then shattered the jewel into nine shards and scattered these shards throughout the universe.
The Birth of the Shadowdance
In Irgranad’s defeat, Satan – cast from Heaven and now the ruler of Hell – saw an opportunity.
Satan posited that if he recombined the Vyntari shards and harnessed Irgranad’s power, he could once again challenge the One Goddess. To this end, he enlisted his demon Haroth to train Man in the use of Dark magic. These men become the Order of Haroth.
The caveat: the members of the Order believed they worked to restore the glory of Irgranad, whom they held as the One True Goddess.
To counter the Order, the One Goddess sent angels Harut and Marut to train mortal students in the power of Light magic. These students became the Guardians of Faith and the Knights of Vyntari. Their purpose: to combat the threat of the Order and other forces of supernatural evil.
Early in the struggle, it became apparent that any overt use of the supernatural drew a violent backlash from the world unaccustomed to the supernatural.
To protect themselves and the world of Man, the combatants took their struggle into the shadows. It became a subtle, intricate dance with manipulation and violence the rules of the day.
It became the —
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Two Sisters, the first eBook in the new trilogy, is available for presale now, exclusively on Amazon!