Padme Amidala is famous for both her role in trying to prevent the fall of the Republic and as Luke and Leia Skywalker’s mother. It’s the fifteenth anniversary of Revenge of the Sith To honor this milestone, I set my screen savers […]
Time for another writer’s commentary installment! This time we’ll look at world-building by using a character’s point of view. In this case, the character is Iron Man/ Tony Stark.
Writer commentary time! No, I’m not privileged enough to write Batgirl in anything other than fanfiction, but I did it and now let’s learn from it!
Hello friends! I hope quarantine is going well for you. If it’s not, you need to read more. I can help with that at the end of this write-up. In the meantime, here’s the second part of the writer commentary for my […]
This week’s Writer’s Commentary takes us to the beginning of my “Armored Underworld” story. It was set up as a Batman/ Iron Man crossover, but I started the story featuring — Batgirl.
I’ve posted a couple of writer commentaries so, like movie commentaries, you could get a look inside the process of making the stories you’re (hopefully) enjoying. Here’s a quick “oh, crap!” moment I had while working on my latest novel, Two Sisters.
Hello friends! Hope you and yours are doing okay and not being stupid and running around without a mask. Now’s the time to do cosplay all day (as long as you cover your mouth!) No fanfiction this week; devoted my time to […]