Judges Stone and Parker confront their lead in the conclusion to Mark Wooden’s Judge Dredd without Dredd fanfiction. Want to read this from the beginning? CLICK HERE!
Psi-Judge Asaji follows a murderous perp into an alley, hoping to learn the meaning of a single word spoken by a drugged man. The word? Obsidian. Judges Stone and Parker must catch a cab. Want to read this from the beginning? CLICK […]
The Diamond Honey Badgers don’t give a shit as they attack Judges Stone and Parker on the meg-way! Psi-Judge Asaji pursues a murderer for the answer to the question, “What is Obsidian?” Want to read this from the beginning? CLICK HERE!
Judges Stone and Parker confront the Badgers to find their lead, a guy named Worthless. Psi-Judge Asaji is on hand when the mystery woman from Room 150233 makes her move! Want to read this from the beginning? CLICK HERE!
To an outsider, a writer’s job is either very esoteric or extremely easy. Those ideas come fully formed every time a writer sits at the keyboard, right? Those words just coming dripping from a writer’s fingertips, right? Well… no…
Welcome to fanfiction in the world of Judge Dredd! Judges Stone and Parker follow a lead to a shuggy hall. Psi-Judge Asaji tracks a potential perp. Want to read this from the beginning? CLICK HERE!
Judge Dredd fanfiction! Having cleared the room with the warring juves, Judges Stone, and Asaji have to check another room for contraband. Want to read this from the beginning? CLICK HERE!
Enter the world of Judge Dredd! Judges Stone, Parker, and Psi-Judge Asaji prepare to haul in some juves who beat a rival juve to death. Want to read this from the beginning? CLICK HERE!
The urban fantasy genre pulls me to writing as much as the superhero genre. Hell, I turned urban fantasy characters into damn near superheroes in my “Shadowdance” novels and short stories. Click below the fold and get a free sample of the […]
Judges Stone and Parker, accompanied by Psi-Judge Asaji, move further into Karl Urban block in pursuit of three juves who killed over a movie dispute. Want to read this from the beginning? CLICK HERE!