Age : appears 17, real age unknown
Height : 5’3”
Weight : 117 lbs.
Eyes : Pale Green
Hair : Blonde
A Brief History
As a young woman, Cytheria fought alongside future saint Aignan, protecting Orleans, France, from Attila and the Visigoths.
Her accomplishments impressed an ancient Daughter of Lilith elder. Cytheria’s reward was becoming a vampire.
After an encounter with Lilith herself, Cytheria learned the Daughters’ true purpose: to exact vengeance against Mankind for their crimes against Lilith.
Cytheria revitalized the vampire assassins and embarked on her greatest manipulation, the corruption of the Dupré sisters, Adriana and Dominique.
In recent years, Cytheria has disappeared, leaving control of the Daughters to Fatale.
Featured in
Assassin’s Absolution Trilogy:
Song 1 – Two Sisters
Song 2 – By Virtue Fall
Song 3 – For Her Sins
Fall to Grace: A Shadowdance Variation