Dwyer Strathan, bad boy sorcerer

handsome man with beard, early thirties


Age         : appears to be 28, actually 114

Height  : 6′

Weight : 165 lbs.

Eyes       : Black

Hair        : Dark Brown

A Brief History

The power of magic allowed Dwyer Strathan an escape from a life on the streets of Kilkenny, Ireland circa the First World War.

Under the tutelage of Order of Haroth leader Malachi Thorne, Strathan became a powerful sorcerer.

With Thorne’s disappearance after the Second World War, Strathan aligned himself with a demon from Hell.

With this power, he found a compromise with the Order, retaining control of the Los Angeles lodge but doing nothing to subvert the Order’s plans for the Shadowdance.

Strathan has also established a life for himself as a Hollywood bad boy movie star, hiding his use of the supernatural in plain sight.

Featured in

Assassin’s Absolution Trilogy:

     Song 2 – By Virtue Fall

     Song 3 – For Her Sins

Order Into Chaos: A Shadowdance Variation

Characters in the "Shadowdance" Urban Fantasy Saga

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