Age : appears to be 20, actually 55
Height : 5’10”
Weight : 132 lbs.
Eyes : Brown
Hair : Black
A Brief History
When Geisa was in her teens, her father stood against the chaos of Brazil’s military rule. He was murdered while fighting for freedom.
Geisa joined the revolution against the military, seeking revenge. She would have died like her father, save she encountered a Daughter of Lilith and was saved by being turned into a vampire.
Fatale, the current Mistress of the Daughters, recently decreed that Illyana Dakanova must suffer for her sins against the Daughters. Fatale charged Geisa with ensuring Illyana suffers in life but that she never dies.
Though a noble responsibility, the charge hampers Geisa’s life as a bon vivant with no ambition within the Shadowdance.
Featured in
A Reason to Live: A Shadowdance Variation