Age : 59
Height : 5’9”
Weight : 142 lbs.
Eyes : Dark Brown
Hair : Black
A Brief History
Makeda Arsi was born into an ancient Initiated Ethiopian tribe. She lost both her father, at the time the tribe’s leader, and a beloved friend to Astomi invaders.
Makeda gained a distrust of all outside the tribe. Despite this distrust, Makeda accepted the call of the Knights of Vyntari.
Through the Knights, Makeda learned to ease her distrust — until she learned of the Shadowdance.
Makeda has now sworn to use whatever means necessary to end the manipulations of the Shadowdance, even if it means ignoring the principles of Good as taught her by her tribe and the Knights.
Featured in
Assassin’s Absolution Trilogy:
Song 2 – By Virtue Fall
Song 3 – For Her Sins
A Reason to Live: A Shadowdance Variation
Fall to Grace: A Shadowdance Variation